2016 National Social Work Month

Did you know March is national social work month? Last week, during the South Dakota Social Worker Association Conference, we had the privilege of meeting some of the social workers in South Dakota and the opportunity to learn more about the field of Social Work.

Social work is a profession for those with a passion for social justice and a desire to make a difference in improving people's lives. Social workers help people obtain tangible services, advocate for improvement of social and health services, participate in counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups. They have a vast knowledge in human development and behavior as well as social and economic cultural institutions. There are a wide range of settings in which social workers practice such as department of social services, hospitals, nursing facilities, mental health centers, child and family service agencies and other health care settings.

Social workers interact with a diverse client population and seek to improve quality of life for all. They fight for rights, protect the vulnerable, support those who need it, empower others to solve problems, and enhance their clients’ well-being. Social workers do a lot to improve the community we live in. During March, in honor of national social work month, we challenge you to reach out and thank a social worker for the work they do!