Kore Cares Community Outreach: Energize 2023 in Wessington Springs

One of our favorite aspects of our expansion over the past year has been the opportunity to join 55+ communities across South Dakota. One of these communities being Wessington Springs. In the past few months, we joined the Wessington Springs Chamber of Commerce and have been looking for additional ways to be involved in the community. In June, Melissa Sedlmeier, the support specialist from the Mitchell office, attended the Energize 2023 conference in Wessington Springs. The annual event is designed to energize South Dakota’s rural communities by inviting them to share success stories and ideas with community members and leaders from across the state. Melissa had a great time meeting people and learning more about making connections while getting to explore Wessington Springs along the way!

If you or a loved one are interested in Kore Cares for employment or services, please visit our website at korecares.com or give us a call at (605) 277-1447 for more information.

Haley Vik